Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Went to pick up the kids from school today. Came home to discover my wonderful dad mowing my yard. How geat is that? I smile, actually, a goofy grin, knowing I have the most amazing dad--unbuckle my nephew, help him out of the carseat and head to the back of the house so that we do not come in contact with grass or flying debris.

It has been so beautiful lately, so amazingly cool, so I have opted to have my windows up for the past week. The allergies have been at an all time high out there, but have in all honesty, not been that bad. *GULP*--thats a whole nother story when you got your windows up and you have a mega huge yard that your awesome dad is mowing with his riding lawnmower that throws grass and debris everywhere. Those little specks of dirt and grass make their way into the screen and into your house. UGH! The laundry room window was up too, so now I have grass, dust, dirt, everywhere! Including on the clean clothes. Run as I might, and close all the windows---I think I was just a tad bit too late.

Dad came in as I was dusting. "Oops, did I make a mess"? He asks. Ofc, I just smile and tell him it is more than ok.

Now I can only hope that the house airs out, and the sinus' don't kick in! I don't want my house to think it now lives out doors so time to spurt out allergens! :-D Happy Bloggin! I'm a newbie here, and my first blog ever!

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